About Ivan



  1. Professor of Chemical Physics and ARC Future Fellow, University of Sydney
  2. Associate Professor, University of Sydney
  3. Senior Lecturer and Westpac Research Fellow, University of Sydney
  4. ARC DECRA Fellow, University of Queensland
  5. UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland


  1. PhD Chemical Physics, Harvard University
    Thesis: Quantum Computation for Chemical Problems
    Advisor: Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik
  2. BS Chemistry, Stanford University
  3. BA Philosophy, Stanford University

Awards and fellowships

  1. HDR Supervisor of the Year, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney
  2. Future Fellowship (Australian Research Council)
  3. RACI Physical Chemistry Division Lectureship (Royal Australian Chemical Institute)
  4. Le Fèvre Medal (Australian Academy of Science), for “outstanding basic research in chemistry”
  5. Selby Research Award (Selby Scientific Foundation)
  6. Young Tall Poppy Science Award (Australian Institute of Policy and Science)
  7. Westpac Research Fellowship (Westpac Scholars Trust)
  8. Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (Australian Research Council)
  9. University of Queensland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
  10. Dudley R. Herschbach Teaching Award (Harvard University)
  11. Robert Karplus Prize in Chemical Physics (Harvard University)
  12. Joyce and Zlatko Baloković Scholarship (Harvard University)
